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Virtual Analog Synthesizer - Download the Program

Download the program:

download VirtualAnalogSynthesizer.exe - version for Windows
download VirtualAnalogSynthesizer.jar - version for Windows, Linux, Mac

To run this program, you must have Java JRE installed.

You can run the program with a command (from the command line):



java -jar VirtualAnalogSynthesizer.jar

normal start of the program
VirtualAnalogSynthesizer.exe preset_file_name


java -jar VirtualAnalogSynthesizer.jar preset_file_name

starting the program with the load of the specified preset file

The program is controlled by both the mouse and the keyboard - a row of keys starting from the Q key and a row of keys above it as if they were the piano keys (you must have the English keyboard selected!). The spacebar stops a tone. The arrows to the right / left change the octave.
In the "Preset" tab, you can choose from several preset settings (these are included in the program).
If the default.preset file is in the program directory when the program is started, this preset is automatically loaded.

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